Matsuzaka in the Clubhouse

Trend: More Japanese professional baseball players in Boston.

When the Boston Red Sox activated Daisuke Matsuzaka on September 15, he became the fourth Japanese players on the team, setting a new MLB record.  As notes, the team has rolled out the red carpet:

The Red Sox have two full-time interpreters (Masa Hoshino and Jeff Yamaguchi) for the Japanese players, which not only facilitates communication with the coaching staff and non-Japanese players, but also the media. The club has a Japanese assistant trainer (Masai Takahashi) and a Japanese massage therapist (Takanori Maeda), as well as a Japanese chef in the clubhouse for all home games.

The hardest adjustment?  Food, according to lefty relief pitcher Hineki Okajima: “That’s No. 1. Also, the team structure. In Japan, the older players have to be respected. In Japan, everything goes by seniority. It’s something I missed because there’s no such thing in Major League Baseball.”

What’s next, Fukudome at Fenway?

Sox Set Standards for Japanese Players []

One response to “Matsuzaka in the Clubhouse

  1. Let our lefty be!
    Fukudome and Wrigley
    are a classic pair.

    *I feel like a bit of a poser since I usually rely on ‘CubsInHaiku’ for all my 17 syllable Cubs comments.

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